So, you’ve thought about starting up your own business for a long time and you are finally making that dream a reality. Drawing up a shareholder agreement may not be… Read more →
Category: Tips & Tricks
Don’t have time to improve your time management? Yeah right!
Do you ever find there is never enough time in the day to complete all the tasks you are required to do? With our increasingly busy lifestyles, effective time management… Read more →
5 steps to keeping your Drupal site secure
Security violations associated with software applications are an on-going threat in the digital world. The risk can be reduced if the underlying frameworks are made more secure. Drupal is known… Read more →
I need a really good, free Project Management tool for my startup
Using a project management tool can be a substantial help in controlling project costs, allowing you to track progress accurately and ensuring the project delivers to its objectives. But it’s… Read more →
Better keyword research generates more traffic – here are 4 guidelines
How can you improve your website to help promote your business? A little keyword research is a great way to attract traffic and increase sales on your site. The four… Read more →
How to write a business plan for your start-up
A business plan is exactly that; the purpose, strategy and objectives of your new business. Every start-up entrepreneur has a goal in mind for their new business. The who, why,… Read more →
5 benefits of using Social Media Marketing to connect with your target audience
Since more than 3 billion people are now on social media, developing an effective social media marketing strategy is more important than ever before for businesses wanting to increase their… Read more →
Do you need an advisor to help get your start-up off the ground?
Are you setting up a new business? Maybe you’ve considered starting a bricks and mortar company, an online business or something else. Whatever brought you to the starting line, setting… Read more →
8 things customers want to see on a website
Hopefully, you’ve seen our blog about our Website Builder, where we promised to give you an insight into the 8 most important elements to include on your website. If you… Read more →