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Want to create a website? Here are 9 things you will need

Tips & Tricks, Web Design

Customer email

If you are ready to create a website for your business and start building your online presence, here is what you will need to get started.

Creating a website starts with your domain name

Think of your domain name as the digital address that your audience will use to find you online. It is important to select a simple, relevant, memorable domain.

Looking for a guide? Here, you can find our domain names explained blog.

A logo

Every business needs a logo as it will help to establish a strong visual online presence. Your design and colour scheme should closely reflect the spirit of your business. It should also be visually engaging.

A business email address

Having your own personalised business email address screams professionalism and will give your digital presence an extra level of credibility. At a time when reputation is important, anything you can do that will help you to build trust with your audience will benefit your business in the long run.

Here’s everything you need to know before you set up your business email address.

Create a website using site building software

Selecting the right site building software will help you create a website that both reflects your business and appeals directly to your ideal audience. There are a variety of options available that can help everyone to build a professional digital presence, even if you have never built a website before.

Ready to create a website? Or, check out the top features of our Website Builder.

Web hosting

Your web host provides the digital destination in which your website ‘lives’ online. Whenever someone types your domain name, their browser will collect your web content from your host and deliver it to them quickly and efficiently. It is important to select the right type of hosting for your needs and this will largely depend on how many visitors want to visit and engage with your content and where they are located.

Click here for more information on Web Hosting.

High-quality imagery

Your visuals are just as important as your website copy because they should work in harmony to tell your story and connect with your audience. If you were to visit a website that contained poor quality imagery, it is unlikely that you would view it as belonging to a professional and trustworthy business. As making a positive first impression is essential, make sure that your imagery is high-quality and accurately represents your business.

Image editing software

It is likely that you will need to resize, rotate or crop your imagery on occasion and an image editor will help you to do this easily and efficiently. This software will also help you to put together visually engaging graphics to share on your website and across social media to enhance the digital presence of your business.

Google Analytics

If you are eager to grow your website, installing an analytics tool is essential. This data will tell you how many people are visiting your site, how they arrived, how long they stayed, which pages they visited and much, much more. These insights are invaluable because they will help you to make improvements to your website, your search engine optimisation (SEO) and to make better-informed strategic and design decisions.