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Can a Domain name be Deleted


When a domain name is registered you become the legal registrant of that name. The domain name will also come off the open market for the length of time you purchased the domain for. Domain names cannot be deleted midterm. If you do want to keep a domain name you can set this to not automatically renew, and it will fall from your account shortly after the renewal date.

It will only be removed once the renewal date has passed. Below will show how to set the domain name to not automatically renew, so you can ensure any un-wanted domains are cancelled.

Table of Contents

  1. Accessing the Billing area of your Online Control Panel
  2. Viewing all renewals on the account
  3. Turning on or Off and auto renewal

Step One

Navigate to our website

Once on the website, choose “Log in” found on the top right-hand side of the page and log into your Online Control Panel. If you need assistance with this, please follow this guide

Step Two

Once you have successfully logged into your Online Control Panel, navigate to the “Billing” tab and from the drop-down menu choose “Renewals”.

An image showing the Renewals section in the Online Control Panel

Step Three

Click the tab “All Renewals”. On the table is will show an ON/OFF toggle under “AUTO RENEW”. If you do not want to renew a domain name, you need to choose “OFF” against the domain name or service you do not intend to renew.

An image showing the auto-renew section of the Online Control Panel

You will still receive renewal reminders for the domain name that is up for renewal. However, these can be ignored if the service is meant to lapse and not renew.

This only works for Annual or multiyear renewals and will not work on monthly renewal packages. However, to cancel these, please call us on 0345 363 3633 and we can cancel this for you. Alternatively, raise a support article explaining what service you would like to deactivate automatic renewals and we’ll do this for you. Please provide us enough time though to get this service cancelled as if this is left until the day or day before, this may not be enough time for us to cancel the service.

If you have any further questions, simply raise a support request from within your Online Control Panel or call us on 0345 363 3634. Our Support team are here to help and ready to assist you with your enquiry.

For assistance raising a support request please follow the following guide.

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