How to set up an IMAP account Outlook Express
How to setup a new account in Outlook Express (IMAP/SMTP)
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– Open Outlook Express and click on Tools and then Accounts…

– Click on the Mail tab and then click on Add and select Mail…

– Enter your name and then click on Next…

– Enter your E-mail address and then click on Next…

– Select IMAP from the drop down menu and enter into the Incoming mail server field.
– Your Outgoing mail server will be only if you your have purchased Authenticated SMTP Access, if you need to purchase this product please contact our Sales team on 0345 363 363 2

– Enter your Account name, this will be your mailbox username, and then enter your Password. Click Next…
Your Username and Password are as you have set up in your Online Control Panel, if you are unsure of your Username and or Password please see this guide to reset your Password,

– Click on Finish

– Return to the Tools menu and select Accounts

– Select your account under the Mail tab and then click Properties

– Select the Advanced tab. In the section Incoming Server, tick the box This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). This should change the port number to 993. Click OK

– Set the Outgoing mail server to, and tick the My server requires authentication box. Click Settings

– Click on the Log on using button, and enter the Account name and Password.
Your Username and Password are as you have set up in your Online Control Panel, if you are unsure of your Username and or Password please see this guide to reset your Password,

Click OK to complete the setup.