Microsoft 365 Basic Authentication Outlook Web App Guide
From 1st October 2022 the Microsoft 365 service will no longer support Basic Authentication. From that date, only email clients that support Modern Authentication will be able to connect to the service.
We have put together this handy support guide to help you identify if you’ll be impacted by this change and what you can do to make sure your emails continue to function.
Unfortunately, we are unable to make any required changes for you as it’s a local setting on your affected device.
What is Basic Authentication?
Basic Authentication is a method used to connect to email servers. It’s the method that applications use to send your username and password to the Microsoft services. Traditionally, this was enabled as default on applications predating 2016.
Basic Authentication has become outdated and there are security risks associated with its continued use. Microsoft has taken the decision to deactivate any connection using Basic Authentication.
This decision will require an update to any connection using Basic Authentication to switch to Modern Authentication which uses superior security techniques to keep your connection secure.
One way to circumvent this issue is to login via the Outlook Web App as shown below. Please be advised however that you will have to permanently need to login via a web browser and will not be able to view these emails locally. If you would prefer to view your email via a client such as Microsoft Outlook, please call our Sales Team on 0345 363 3632 to talk about your options.
Use the Outlook Web Application (OWA):
With your Office plan, you have access to OWA. This is an online portal where you can access your emails. This will continue to work regardless of issues with an email application. To access, simply go to the following address:
When prompted, log in with your email address and password.
You’ll then need to select the Outlook log from the panel on the left, as seen below:

You will now be logged into OWA where you can send/receive emails.
For further advise on the above issues please contact our support via ticket or phone and we will be happy to help.