We only show a small selection online of the international domain names that we can support.
Each country in the world has a unique country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD). Rules and requirements for registration vary from country to country. We only show a small selection of domain names on our website, but we can support most extensions in the world.
For more information about the ccTLD's we can register, please indicate below the countries you are interested in, and one of our sales advisors will contact you to discuss the registration rules and requirements.
Enquire About International Domain Names
For information on how we use your data, please see our Privacy Policy.
- Generic
- .XXX
- Adult Industry
- Asia
- .BIZ
- Business
- .COM
- Commercial
- .TEL
- Global Directory
- Information
- Jobs
- Mobile
- .NET
- Network
- .ORG
- Organisation
- Personal
- .PRO
- Professional
- Travel Industry
- Europe
- .AX
- Åland Islands
- .AL
- Albania
- .AD
- Andorra
- .AT
- Austria
- .BY
- Belarus
- .BE
- Belgium
- .BA
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- .BG
- Bulgaria
- .CAT
- Catalan
- .HR
- Croatia
- .CY
- Cyprus
- .CZ
- Czech Republic
- .DK
- Denmark
- .EE
- Estonia
- .EU
- European Union
- .FO
- Faroe Islands
- .FI
- Finland
- .FR
- France
- .DE
- Germany
- .GI
- Gibraltar
- .GR
- Greece
- .GG
- Guernsey
- .HU
- Hungary
- .IS
- Iceland
- .IE
- Ireland
- .IM
- Isle Of Man
- .IT
- Italy
- .JE
- Jersey
- .LV
- Latvia
- .LI
- Liechtenstein
- .LT
- Lithuania
- .LU
- Luxembourg
- .MK
- Macedonia
- .MT
- Malta
- .MC
- Monaco
- .ME
- Montenegro (Personal)
- .NL
- Netherlands
- .NO
- Norway
- .PL
- Poland
- .PT
- Portugal
- .MD
- Republic of Moldova
- .RO
- Romania
- .SM
- San Marino
- .RS
- Serbia
- .SK
- Slovakia
- .SI
- Slovenia
- .ES
- Spain
- .SE
- Sweden
- .CH
- Switzerland
- .TR
- Turkey
- .UA
- Ukraine
- .UK
- United Kingdom
- Africa
- .DZ
- Algeria
- .AO
- Angola
- .AC
- Ascension Island
- .BW
- Botswana
- .BI
- Burundi
- .CM
- Cameroon
- .TD
- Chad
- .KM
- Comoros
- .CI
- Cote d'Ivoire
- .CD
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- .DJ
- Djibouti
- .EG
- Egypt
- .ET
- Ethiopia
- .GA
- Gabon
- .GM
- Gambia
- .GH
- Ghana
- .GN
- Guinea
- .GW
- Guinea-Bissau
- .KE
- Kenya
- .LS
- Lesotho
- .LR
- Liberia
- .LY
- Libya
- .MG
- Madagascar
- .MW
- Malawi
- .ML
- Mali
- .MR
- Mauritania
- .MU
- Mauritius
- .MA
- Morocco
- .NA
- Namibia
- .NG
- Nigeria
- .CG
- Republic of Congo
- .RE
- Reunion Island
- .RW
- Rwanda
- .ST
- Sao Tome and Principe
- .SN
- Senegal
- .SC
- Seychelles
- .SL
- Sierra Leone
- .SO
- Somalia
- .ZA
- South Africa
- .SH
- St Helena
- .SZ
- Swaziland
- .TZ
- Tanzania
- .TG
- Togo
- .TN
- Tunisia
- .UG
- Uganda
- .ZM
- Zambia
- .ZW
- Zimbabwe
- Americas
- .AS
- American Samoa
- .AG
- Antigua and Barbuda
- .AR
- Argentina
- .AW
- Aruba
- .BS
- Bahamas
- .BB
- Barbados
- .BZ
- Belize
- .BM
- Bermuda
- .BO
- Bolivia
- .BR
- Brazil
- .VG
- British Virgin Islands
- .CA
- Canada
- .KY
- Cayman Islands
- .CL
- Chile
- .CO
- Columbia
- .CR
- Costa Rica
- .CU
- Cuba
- .DO
- Dominican Republic
- .EC
- Ecuador
- .SV
- El Salvador
- .GF
- French Guiana
- .GL
- Greenland
- .GD
- Grenada
- .GT
- Guatemala
- .GY
- Guyana
- .HN
- Honduras
- .JM
- Jamaica
- .MX
- Mexico
- .MS
- Monserrat
- .AN
- Netherlands Antilles
- .NI
- Nicaragua
- .PY
- Paraguay
- .PE
- Peru
- .PR
- Puerto Rico
- .KN
- Saint Kits and Nevis
- .LC
- St Lucia
- .SR
- Suriname
- .TT
- Trinidad and Tobago
- .TC
- Turks and Ciacos Islands
- .US
- United States
- .VI
- United States Virgin Islands
- .UY
- Uruguay
- .VE
- Venezuela
- Asia
- .AF
- Afghanistan
- .BD
- Bangladesh
- .BT
- Bhutan
- .IO
- British Indian Ocean Territory
- .BN
- Brunei
- .KH
- Cambodia
- .CN
- China
- .CX
- Christmas Island
- .CC
- Cocos Islands
- .HK
- Hong Kong
- .IN
- India
- .ID
- Indonesia
- .IR
- Iran
- .JP
- Japan
- .KZ
- Kazakhstan
- .KG
- Kyrgyzstan
- .LA
- Lao (Los Angeles)
- .MO
- Macao
- .MY
- Malaysia
- .MN
- Mongolia
- .MM
- Myanmar (Burma)
- .NP
- Nepal
- .PK
- Pakistan
- .PH
- Philippines
- .KR
- Republic of Korea (South)
- .RU
- Russia
- .SG
- Singapore
- .SU
- Soviet Union (Being phased out)
- .LK
- Sri Lanka
- .TW
- Taiwan
- .TJ
- Tajikistan
- .TH
- Thailand
- .TM
- Turkmenistan
- .UZ
- Uzbekistan
- .VN
- Vietnam
- West Asia
- .AM
- Armenia
- .AZ
- Azerbaijan
- .BH
- Bahrain
- .GE
- Georgia
- .IQ
- Iraq
- .IL
- Israel
- .JO
- Jordan
- .KW
- Kuwait
- .LB
- Lebanon
- .OM
- Oman
- .QA
- Qatar
- .SA
- Saudi Arabia
- .SY
- Syria
- .AE
- United Arab Emirates
- Oceania
- .AU
- Australia
- .CK
- Cook Islands
- .FM
- Federal State of Micronesia
- .FJ
- Fiji
- .GU
- Guam
- .KI
- Kiribati
- .MH
- Marshall Islands
- .NC
- New Caledonia
- .NZ
- New Zealand
- .NU
- Niue
- .NF
- Norfolk Island
- .MP
- Northern Mariana Islands
- .PW
- Palau
- .PG
- Papa New Guinea
- .TK
- Tokelau
- .TO
- Tonga
- .TV
- Tuvalu (Television)
- .WS
- Western Samoa
* The following suffixes are on offer when registered for 1 year using the embedded voucher code - .co.uk and .uk and .com and .org.uk. The offer prices are: .co.uk, .uk and .org.uk for £4.99, and.com for £1.99. These offers entitle you to one .co.uk and one .uk and one .org.uk and one .com at the offer price per account. Additionally, the following extensions will be offered at the prices shown (ex VAT) when registered on site for one year: .net - £8.99, .org - £7.99, .info - £6.99, .biz - £6.99, .uk.com - £20.99, .website - £3.00, .site - £3.99, .tech - £5.00, .store - £5.00, .fun - £3.99, .space - £3.00, .app - £12.00, .london - £18.99, .online - £3.50. Please note, for EU customers VAT rates payable will be subject to your country of residence. All offers are for the first billing period only, do not apply to renewals, are limited to online transactions and cannot be used where free domain offers have already been redeemed. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any others and may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of Team Blue Internet Services UK Limited. Standard terms & conditions apply.